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  freetimers dsb  
  Freetimers-DSB: Rural Broadband, Satellite and WIFI technology for Rural Areas.

Into the 21st century with Rural Broadband - now!

  • Are you still waiting for your village to reach the BT broadband threshold?
  • Are you a rural business suffering by being unable to access the Internet fast enough?
  • Are you missing out on the internet revolution?

Wait no longer – Freetimers DSB are proud to announce that rural broadband is now truly here and available to all – without the need for telephone lines, exchange threshold levels or expensive installations.

By combining the latest in satellite and WIFI (WIreless FIdelity) technologies, we can deliver a true 2-way broadband service to you, your community and your business premises, with a range of packages to suit both your requirements and your pocket. Interested? - then click here for further information and details on how to apply for your key to the future.

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